Rollers for Tissue

High speed and less weights
A tissue machine can work at double speed if carbon rollers are used instead of metal rollers. The carbon rollers even weigh 10-15 times less.

Wider formats

Due to the stiffness and lightness of carbon, the tissue working formats can become wider and therefore increase production.

Lower starting time and breaking in case of emergency

Thanks to lower inertia the plant starting time and emergency breaking time can be overwhelmingly shorter with a better efficiency in production.

More precision in load cells

Sometimes the web tension can be compared with the roller weight and therefore the signal read by the load cell is less precise.

Dancing rollers or every roller installed on load cells, if made of carbon fibre (thus very light) form a lower tare weight. This means that the actual tension can be read with greater precision and rapidity from smaller load cells.

Improvement of aerodynamical flow
Lower diameters allow to reduce the volume of air dragged by roller motion that at a high speed can cause strong turbulence. The film is therefore less disturbed by turbulence and often spiraling is not necessary. In case it is needed it can be made directly on the carbon.

Reduction of structural loads on machine

The use of carbon rollers in tissue machines does not only increase the working speed and the width of material, but reduces the loads on the structure that can become lighter and more convenient with less electric power involved.
 This is particularly important in plant refitting. Maintaining the same structure, performance is improved and loads are increased.

Great precision of rollers
Reglass carbon rollers are accurately honed and usual construction tolerances lead to a total oscillation lower than 0.2mm with the possibility to go below this value (up to 0.05m or less in particular cases).

Each roller is dynamically balanced at speeds higher than working speed.

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