Higher speed and lower weight

Carbon rollers for paper, like those for other applications, have a higher critical speed than the corresponding steel rollers, but also less weight.

Wider formats

Due to the stiffness and lightness of carbon, the paper working formats can become wider and increase production


Lower starting time

Thanks to carbon roller's lower inertia the plant starting time can be faster with a better efficiency in production.

More precision in load cells

Rollers installed on load cells, if made of carbon fiber, form a lower tare weight. This means that the actual tension can be read with greater precision and rapidity from smaller load cells.

Diameter reduction and higher plant compactness

With carbon fiber the diameters of the rollers can be lowered with a consequent reduction of needed space. In many cases this allows a reduction of the overall dimensions of the machine and results in being more compact and economical.

Reduction of surface contact

Another advantage of smaller diameters comes by reducing the contact area between film and roller at same angles. This means there are fewer possibilities to damage the film and less interferences during its course.Reduction of structural loads on machines

Reduction of structural loads on machines

The use of carbon rollers in paper machines does not only increase working speed and the width of material but reduces the loads on the structure that can become lighter and more convenient with less electric power involved.

Harsh environment applications

The carbon rollers can be manufactured specifically to work at high temperature (up to 150°C or even up to 200°C) or with special coatings for acid or corrosive environments.

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