Duran Converting offers a complete range of high precision rollers in steel, stainless steel and aluminum.

An extensive range of rollers for printing machines, for the processing of paper, plastic film, laminating and for any application of converting. Our roller can be supplied with any treatment of surface, as well as with the necessary coating.

Rodillos Duran Converting

The solid experience gained with the time, advanced technology combined with a high professionalism leads us making a high-quality product to both, manufacturers and end users. Rodillos
In a world that is increasingly more demanding and competitive, modern production equipment, process control and quality, ensure a high-level product at a low cost, adapted to satisfy the most varied requirements.


Thanks to the contribution and the stimulus determinant of customers, suppliers and collaborators, Duran Converting strives to offer customers a product and increasingly better service.

Avda. Verge de Montserrat,39
08358 Arenys de Munt
Tel: +34 669 864394

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